

Forever Procrastinating

I have been painting all of these drawings. ...slowly... Very very slowly it seems. I can't seem to paint very fast. Especially not with watercolors. I can think of a drawing in a split second, and usually get it on paper in a day or so, but getting it colorful takes so much time. And it usually doesn't turn out how I envisioned it.

Sometimes I have ruined my piece and other times I have made something spectacular I never knew I could create. It's pretty much just a blind gamble half the time.

But I make it time and time again. The kids I watch have been watching me draw and now paint these and they are teasing me more and more as the time passes and I haven't finished even one. I just can't seem to get them right. I get frustrated with the water amount or the color, or the runny ink, whatever. Then I move on to something else to distract myself. So it's like I take baby steps each night on all my pieces and in the rare occurrence I actually complete one the elation is overshadowed by the looming pile of unfinished works.   

I've been in the worst mood lately. These headaches have sadly gotten the best of me I am afraid. I think it might be time for me to visit the Dr again. Mommy Dearest gave me her Discount Prescription card so I can get something for my migraines that's more affordable. So hopefully my Imatrex wont break the bank.

I'm trying to stay on top of things. But it's really difficult taking care of everything in my life and with my growing business when I have to take what seems like constant breaks to ice my neck and lay down in the dark. It makes for a cranky artist, girlfriend, partner, and cook... I'm sorry guys.

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