

The Productivity Level Is Rising

Feeling oddly productive today despite my truly excruciating headache. I'm hoping another cup of - this time much grosser - coffee will make it go away. I had the best cup of coffee this morning. Sadly this cheap imitation medium roast is just nasty in comparison. But hopefully after coffee, crackers, and some Excedrin my body will match my mood.

I'm excited because I finally have everything I need for one of my photo projects. And Cody is in route to help. Last night I played around with my frosted glass testing lighting with my point n shoot. I'm still not quite using this camera to it's full potential I think. But I'm working on it. I refuse to believe you need an out of this world expensive camera to take compelling pictures.

I need to start another painting today. I don't have anything in progress, which is odd for me. But finally I have  everything I need at the moment. 

I hope I have something spectacular to show you tomorrow.


I've been away for a while, but I have lots of random pictures to share. I hope everyone's weekend went well. Mine has been quite great. I had my long awaited eye exam, and it was my amazing sister's birthday on Saturday. I helped Robin move out of my sister's place this morning then relaxed the rest of the day away with the boys. Copper was extra cute.

Dime wasn't without his fun this weekend either. He got his very last Christmas treat out of his stocking. We saved the cutest for last...

I acquired some painting supplies from Dad this weekend and hopefully I'll have many many new paintings to share soon. For now I have been experimenting with painting on wood.

 I have a smaller one that I didn't photograph, but I'll try to do it sometime soon. I gave it to my sister for her birthday. 

Sorry my posts have been so straightforward, and not as insightful as I usually try to make them. My mind has been so... just elsewhere... these past few weeks. I really wanted this year to be different, but it's still as hard as usual. I'm trying harder and everything seems to be getting harder right along with me. The moment I feel hopeful reality tugs on my lobe and reminds me it bites... hard. The resolution I made to stay adamant is slowly turning into just forced actions again with no real belief behind them. Self doubt, second guessing, and mixed feelings are creeping up on me and getting harder and harder to fight back. 

This took a turn, but I really did have a good weekend, full of laughter, singing, dancing, and new beginnings. Have a great year Erica! And make the most of this awesome new experience Robin. Take advantage of all your new free time Cody. And Andie, you should make my old room your workout room. Either way have fun living alone again!



Post# 101

Yes, This is my hundred and first blog post. I knew it was the hundredth yesterday, I just didn't want to say it. It's kind of embarrassing to me, I have had this blog since 09 and I am just now reaching triple digits. And my followers haven't even hit the doubles yet. Oddly enough I am only really upset about my lack of posting. I would like tons of people to read my thoughts and see what I am up to, but it's ok that it's mostly just my friends and family. The release is more selfish anyway. I have a lot of thoughts and feelings to share and rather than just constantly blathering on and on to those around me I have this blog.

So new or old to the Trunk, here are some of my favorite pictures from here.

If you guys are wondering why I have been avoiding putting up anything new, it's only because the things I have been photographing lately can't be shown till after Saturday. So here's a new picture of me and my favorite boy.

LOL... and even this is a little old... new stuff soon I promise. 


From Back In The Day

for the past month or so I have been diligently organizing all the pictures I upload in Bridge right after I edit them which usually is right after I upload them. But that doesn't fix the thousands of pictures I have so carelessly littered in the most absurdly random folders on my computer in the past. So for the past three weeks or so I have been exploring the seemingly endless file trails on my computer. And I have come to the conclusion either I have been terribly retarded when I am uploading, or something is seriously wrong with my computer. I found lost picture folders from years ago in many driver files. And I keep stumbling across lone pictures stuck in music or video folders.

But all in all I am enjoying finding all my old pictures. And what tickles me even more is comparing them to my most recent ones. Not only have I improved by leaps and bounds, but it's actually quite easy to see that, because I am still shooting the same stuff. That little fact is delighting me and making me sad at the same time. I like that I can look at my pictures that are years apart but virtually almost the same shot, just maybe a little straighter or in focus. My interests and what I am naturally attracted to hasn't changed. I just know how to show it to you guys better. That part that makes me a bit sad is I lack progress. I want to branch out and explore more beauty in my life. I need to show you guys more than Seattle and my backyard and my pets. I started this blog to share everything I love with the world, and there is much more to me than those things. I love my life everyday, I love the silly little mundaneness's that usually get over looked in a day and I love the huge sweeping gestures that get remembered for years to come. 

Here are some old found gems.


Expressions Of Love

What do you love?

Keep On Keepin' On

I hate how fast time goes by when I'm enjoying myself. What is something you enjoy? I enjoy people who can't spell enjoy... LOL.

Anyways the last few days have gone by too quickly. Cody, Robin, and I went on an epic adventure to the beach Saturday night and I found a hubcap. I'm going to paint it like a sun and show you guys soon. It was more like an epic walk with Dime leading the way. I have walked him to that beach so many times before he led us right to it after we had explored the massive school/compound by my apt.  There was much bonding after that super walk with the group.

Sunday I went home with Mom and Dad to Kingston for family day, some butt grabbing, and chill time with Poulsbo friends. But I managed to get some art done. I finished the box and sold it. Yay! Another thing to cross off my list

So with some extra money it was easier to play around in Seattle yesterday. The perpetual drizzling and late start only saddened me till I got to the city and realized with everything being slippery and reflective the beautiful city lights simply multiplied. 

Hope everyone had as great of a weekend as I did.


Quick Dry

So here's the mess I started with  -

Gotta love St Vinny's. You can get a ton of "junk" wax for cheap.

I don't know what it is abut destroying things... but it's my guilty pleasure. Always has been. I am the messiest, OCD-iest, picker I have ever met. I like to call it "destruction therapy" but sometimes it's just me making a mess.

But my messes usually turn out beautiful.

Stuck In The Middle

I've been busy.. as usual. Job apps, Cody, Robin, candles, dubstep, errands, more job apps... But I have been painting. I have more of the box finished.

Now all that's left is the back. I already know exactly what it's going to look like I just need to sit down and do it. I took a break from painting and made candles today after I ran errands with Cody and Robin. I might have gone a little overboard... But it was relaxing. After all the rejection and internal pep talks to keep searching it's getting hard to stay focussed and positive. I needed a change of pace.

I'll show you guys some of the wax goodness later after it's all dry.



Make Your Own Family

I know I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for my friends. They make me crazy and happy, they keep me focused and distract me at the same time. They listen, explore, intrude, adventure and lounge with me in the best and worst of times. 

We all need people in our lives that know how to keep us happy and healthy. People who don't make you hide behind masks and accept all the silly errors that usually corrupt shallow relationships. People that enjoy you, and that you can't live without.


New Growth

I'm excited for spring. Thing's are moving slower than I had hoped for me but I am holding onto my New Year's spirit. I'm staying positive. Spring will bring new opportunities. New choices, forming new habits, hopefully lots of new pictures will emerge...

 Winter brought a lot of great things for me. I love my life.


Today's Lesson

Was supposed to be about the art of Abstract. But even when forced my abstractions are quite... literal. Closest I get to logical I guess.

I got some applications today. And I have plans to go back to a  few places... business's are making you apply 100% in store now. You have to fill it out there. You can't leave with it. So... yeah... that's what's new with the job hunt. Exciting stuff guys. 

Anyways, it was my fifth consecutive day seeing Cody. Lol... might be a new record for us since I moved 40 minutes away from him. But I have the day to myself tomorrow. Which is good... I need to get cracking on something for Robin. 

I've had my coffee today and I've added new things to my todo list. Like finish filling out my Forest Ridge app and clean the bathroom. 


Seems to be my lifestyle. I don't know how to keep track of everything otherwise.

  • I need to paint something for Robin. 
  • Get my booty to the mall and apply at piercing pagoda (they're HIRING eeee....)
  • Actually start this multimedia piece and stop just talking about it. 
  • Read the book Cody bought me... It's about an elephant!! 
  • Stop chewing my nails. "STOP IT TINA!!"
  • Give Erica that gift card.
  • Get Devon to my place. 
  • Get a better organizational method with all my art stuff. 
If you want to see a list of my current and upcoming art projects since I'm not being the best photographer is on my art page

I'm pretty mentally restless right now. I've been watching a lot of vlogs lately and Cody and I have been actually using my Flip, which is great. I fought so hard to get it. I need to actually use it. I don't think any of those videos will be seen here, but probably on his site. Kona & Toady have a lot to say. Lol. The more I watch stuff like Shaytards the more I feel like I could do stuff like that. My friends and family are interesting enough and absolutely enthusiastic enough to have web presence. 

Also you should read this article about creativity and being productive. I found it really interesting. 

I think I'll go to sleep now. 
See ya tomorrow


I know I've been a total flake lately here. But in my defense, Cody got home Sunday and I have been in a (mostly) happy daze since then. I spent Sunday and Monday catching up with friends and enjoying the bipolar Washington weather.

Tuesday was Tron day in Tukwila with the Best Group Ever. And I finally went home, but I still seemed to be buzzing with excitement and restlessness, because I couldn't get myself to sit down and pull up the ol' blog. So here I am in the wee hours of Thursday morning finally logging back on. 

I know I promised pictures of the surprise I had for Cody, but I have yet to photograph it. It didn't get finished till right before he got home, and I was - like always - rushed and unprepared. I'm happy with it though. I will show you guys... eventually. Just know - he liked it. I guess that makes it worse, huh? Sorry. 

Anyways... I have a lot going on. A lot in my head right now. Good time to take up journaling again, I guess. I think I need it, or something like that. I'm running out of nooks and crannies in my mind to stash these random story and picture ideas, project visions, poem lyrics, molded wax wonderments, and ponders about he said she said drama. I feel like I might explode soon and it's causing my already low tolerance for productivity to halt altogether. 

I'm definitely going back to caffeine tomorrow. 

Today's Experiment:
Hypothesis: I could handle a day without my cup a joe
Conclusion: FAIL



So Cody gets back today. I'm so happy. I've really missed my friend.

I've really missed a lot of people.



Sorry guys, I missed a day. I was taking a break from art to fill out job applications. And before I knew it Friday had slipped through my fingers. But Saturday morning should be good enough. Even though... I'm going to let you down once again. But try not to think of it that way... Instead of an art update, I thought I would give a dime update.

The holidays treated him well. He not only got to see his two best friends for Christmas, but he also played with a girl. He soaked himself in muddy marsh water and got to jump on a party of people. And now he has a whole new selection of toys and blankets to play with. 

Don't worry I'm still working... I just can't put up any pictures for a day or so. The project I happen to be working on right now is a surprise for someone that reads this blog. But once all is said and done I'll have lots of pictures to show.  


As Promised

The painting I was referring to the other day. The one that wouldn't upload correctly. Well here it is.


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