

My Kids

Ever since New Year's Eve when my kids met Tody they have been obsessed with asking me about him.

It's so nice knowing that my awesome kids think Tody is great too. It makes having double work nights easy. Although working there is a lot more interesting than our nights alone. My artsy-fartsy mini me was amazing at light painting. Tody and I want to adopt her onto our light painting team. She gives such a fresh perspective to our shots.

 I really do watch the greatest kids ever. They are so sweet and honest and intuitive. They are curious and idealistic yet have this sarcastic mature view on life. They have a really strong single mom who gives them everything she has to give. And I think that makes them an incredibly tight-knit little family. 

Kellan is my little assassin. He's going through a violent streak conveniently as he is also going through a super-freaking-adorable phase. Who can be mad at that little face?

He's quite the bad ass. Listening to him sing along to Young, Wild, and Free made me almost pee my pants. Being the youngest of three is a blessing in disguise. He's going to be the coolest kid in school once he finally starts. He can pick up any nerf gun and instantly know how to use it... and shoot me in like 3 seconds.

I love being a nanny. I can get my little kid fix while staying financially free during my 20s.



So I have taken up crocheting. I used to like to knit, but I grew out of that little hobby. It seemed easier for me to carry around a little hook instead if big needles. And Mr. Prez also sort of pushed me to it. But it is relaxing. I haven't been able to create anything even remotely usable yet... but I'm hanging in there. Youtube is an amazing tutorial resource. 

I hung out with the family last night. We got some cool pictures and had some great laughs. 

It's been an interesting past couple of days. I'll have more to say tomorrow probably. I'm just enjoying the randomness of life quietly for right now. 


Making Some Changes

So it is a new year. I don't like when people go with the mantra "new year - new me", it just irks me. Why so much change? It's hard enough to remember that I need to date everything '12 and not '11 anymore. And supposedly this is the last year ever? Pshhh.. Life goes on.

But I have found myself making changes in 2012, although I would like to think those changes started before that. It is just now all showing results and amping me up to keep going. I didn't make any resolutions this year because the word confuses me. Re Solution... that implies your first solution to whatever problem you had didn't work, and you need to re think that and make a new solution. And we are supposed to implement that solution at midnight of the new year to make the rest of the year better than the last. To solve whatever was broken and wrong with the last year...

Well I have many issues. And I am constantly trying to fix them and come up with solutions and re solutions (so to speak)... That is part of my day to day life. So I didn't see the point in one big sweeping gesture to sum up my goals for the upcoming year.

But I guess if I had to make one underlining goal for the year : Be Relentless.
I have a lot of shit to get done this year, I can't stop for a second. I keep finding new inspiration and new motivation. 2011 is in the past, and although there was so much amazingness jammed into those 365 days, I have another 365 days to concentrate on and go farther in.


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