

New Batteries

So I found a necklace today that inspires me. I've been trying to get into beading again, but for some reason everything I've been making stirs nothing in me. I can barely finish a necklace, much less make anything I find wearable. Which makes me sad, because I used to love making jewelry. I have quite an impressive (to some) collection of bead bags from my favorite bead store. And I even have some devoted clients... even if I haven't made them anything in a while. So I have been trying to find inspiration somewhere to get my mind flowing in hemp and beads again. And I think I found it.

My paintings are coming along too. Some new pictures on my art page... Check it 

More soon.


Need To Recharge

So I did finish a painting last night as promised, I just can't show you yet. I know that sounds bad. But due to some increased outings lately I've been low on funds for my camera. So no batteries yet. But I promise soon. It's sort of imperative to a photo blog to actually have photos on it. So new ones soon. Pinky swear.

Good thing I never post my entire folder... just my favorite sets. I have plenty of things to show you while we wait for me to get paid again.

Here's a reminder of what it's like to be young...

That went on for far longer than I was interested in it. But that never detoured him. He was an unstoppable force, and I loved that. Too many people lack that child like resilience to run on even after everyone else has lost interest. He persevered, and was rewarded in the end by taking a long nap... So really it was great for me too.  


Can't Keep Up

I feel like my to do list is getting out of control. Thank goodness for weekends off. I have to finish a painting today. Which... I think I can do that. As long as I get back to that as soon as I post this.

I just felt I needed to check in. I have fun light painting pictures to show you. Tody came over yesterday after work and we messed around in my living room and kitchen.

There was dancing...

And light fighting... 

And then I danced some more...

It was fun. I got a cheap new tripod for my camera since I can do a lot more with it. I just need to get some rechargeable batteries now, since the hack drains normal AAs.  I went a little crazy at Vinny's actually... I got a coffeemaker, a tripod, a few coloring books for the boys and a bunch of puzzles. And a bike helmet. All was needed... kinda. But at least I do my shopping at thrifts stores. 

Check tomorrow for new art!


4 Days

A lot can happen in 4 days. Although hundreds of sets of 4 days have gone by before with the same shit happening over and over again, these past 4 days have been different.

So hopefully I'm on a better path now, and I can really start concentrating on what I'm doing.  Or should be doing, I guess. I hope everyone had a good President's Day. Katie couldn't have put it better on her blog that day... That is exactly how I spent my day.

And every day since has been a little more interesting. I'm working on different things, and I'm finally getting used to my new schedule. I'm not feeling sick anymore. And I'm managing to not go crazy with my new extra cash. But I think my best news is thanks to Tody. He hacked my camera!! My Canon PowerShot A1000 IS is now pretty much an EOS Rebel. I can shoot in RAW, take long exposure, and change all my lens and timer settings. I'm still exploring all the weird setting's the hack has given me. But it's awesome! It completely changes how my macro pictures look.

And I took these pictures, with my camera!

I'm pretty excited about it. Tody did his camera too, but since he already has a pretty awesome camera his new settings are a lot cooler. He pretty much made my camera into his, and his into something way cooler. So keep an eye out for more interesting pictures. I have a lot of testing to do with this baby. I need to find it's limits. I had finally started using this camera to its fullest with the program on it. Now I need to see how far this new program will let me go. 


My Weekend Off

was magical. The weather was nearly perfect, I spent quality time with my boys, and I ate good food. What more could I ask for. I took Dime to the water both days; we went beach hopping yesterday, and today he got to run like a mad man at the creek.

I absolutely love where I live. It's the safer side of town, I can walk to the most interesting and beautiful places, and living on top of a huge hill means no matter where I look I can see the most breathtaking views on clear days. I sometimes stop on my way to my laundry room and just stare at Mt. Ranier. My morning drives to work are precious to me. Maybe it's all the icy crystals in the morning air or just because the rising sun hits it exactly right, but the Olympic Mountains can be the most beautiful thing I see in my day. 

Back to work tomorrow.  I'm going to go enjoy the rest of my night. 


Much Better

So today is already a thousand times better than yesterday. I have exciting plans, the sun is shining bright, and I'm about to embark on a weekend full of art, relaxation, great views, even better friends, and re-cooperation! My good mood technically started last night when I got home from work. I needed to just lay down for a while and vent and relax. Then Tody and I took tons of cool pictures and I got to release a little more tension. After a long nap and some yummy tv time with my boys I was fixed and back to normal.

So other than this swollen uvula and slightly runny nose I am feeling back to my happy ol' self. I really hope this all clears up this weekend and doesn't get worse. I can't afford to miss any work. Even though... I'm positive it was the kids that got me sick in the first place. But I don't need to be prolonging their illness by giving them  my unique strain of it.

So to everyone out that that contributed even a little to cheering me up - and there are much more of you than you might realize - 


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