

New Admin

I've always had high hopes for this blog. In the way that it is an outlet for my art and the images that inspire me. I have tried to stay honest and forthcoming here. And although I have no idea how many people I am reaching I've always felt good about what I put up on here as a representation of me at the time. But over the past few months as I have grown with my art and here with this blog I've come to see that I'm not the only one that contributes here. Of course my loved ones influence my mood and therefor the content for the day. But it's more than that. I have so many people that help me create. The thoughts and art put up on here are not always purely my own. I like to think of The Trunk as a space for all of the creativity in my life. And perhaps the most leading creative person in my life right now is my best friend Tody. I like to think of him often times as my partner in creative crime and art. He's my personal photographer and the first person I ask for artistic advise. A lot of pictures on here lately were taken either by him or by me with his camera. So it seemed natural to incorporate him more into The Trunk.

So now introducing a new admin to my site!! How exciting for us. There will be some changes coming soon along with him. My pages are going to change and grow and there will be a new person posting every now and then. Kona and Tody have a lot of art to share with you guys.

So stick around to see how this plays out. I'm sorry I'm a failure with the pictures lately. I've just been very sick and trying my hardest to keep painting through it all. So I've let my camera sit for a while. But there will be more soon. There will be a lot to look at up very soon.

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