

Can't Take Much More

I hate being sick. I'm rethinking this whole nanny thing, I can't take it anymore! The kids are great, for the most part. But I can't take being sick anymore. Those little snot balls are keeping me like this. I can feel myself dying, starting with my mouth and moving to the rest of my body.  My tongue gets dry and disgusting because I can't breath out my nose which makes my tonsils swell, and my throat hurt. I can feel something rattling around in my chest when I breath like the ball bearings they put in spray paint cans. My voice sounds like an old Jewish man's, and I just feel greasy all the time no matter how freshly showered I am. And perhaps the worst although it affects me very little - the horrible snoring! I feel bad. But I can't really breath, so of course things get complicated once I'm asleep. All in all I'm pretty miserable right now. I haven't been this sick in months, I've actually had a pretty good last year health wise, and this just sucked all the life out of me. Dime's been extra protective and cuddly cute. But I'm just trying to stay out of everyone's face. I don't want to get anyone else sick.

So it's probably good I'm just staying home and laying low all day. I'm gonna camp out on the couch and watch cartoons with my cough drops and kleenexs. Fingers crossed I feel better tomorrow and I can go to work. I need the money. I need to make a trip to Michael's very soon.

So I hope everyone is well out there in the world. I hope Tody is warm and healthy at his house. I'll be here with my trusty stuffed elephant trying to recoop as quickly as possible. I took some pictures to cheer myself up.

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