

I Have A Consistency Problem

Always have, probably always will. Call it what you will - "flaky", "inconsistent", "unreliable", "late"... I realize I have flaws. I'm working on it. But I think it might be too ingrained in my being to ever be able to have a daily routine. I'm just weird... but my blog is something I care about, and therefore, keep coming back to. I wont ditch my blog, especially now that I have myself some odd 20GB of picture space available to me. But I don't think I'll ever be able to post every single day. There are some days I don't turn on my computer at all. And some where I just can't think of anything to say. I've admittedly gotten better. The days I feel introverted I try to push on anyway and just post pictures I think are interesting from my life. But still, I sometimes go three or four days without posting anything. And I notice. Especially since I've put my blog archive back up on the side, I glance at it a lot and I notice that I only have around 20 posts, give or take, for each month. I'm missing days. I just can't get a routine.

I guess it all comes down to discipline. And I have never had very much of that. It's a hard concept for me to grasp, and I'm not quite sure why.

Anyways, I don't have a picture to post right now. I will tonight, but they aren't ready yet. I was just browsing The Trunk and felt compelled to give an explanation for my gappy posts. I did post yesterday, just not on the home page. I posted new pictures of some paintings I've been working on. Tody took HDR pictures of my new stuff because I was have the hardest time getting everything to show up in the pictures I was taking. My apartment and good lighting are not synonymous whatsoever. He also has been helping me with my computer for the past few weeks, little by little, and it's definitely getting better. It might have a little while longer with us. Fingers crossed it doesn't decide to jump ship and go live in computer heaven with Erica's desktop. I now have Adobe Photoshop Lightroom to play with. According to Tody all the professionals use it instead of Bridge for quick photo uploading and editing, and I have to say, the program is pretty sleek compared to Bridge. But I still have no idea what I'm doing so it is by no means quicker for me yet. But I think it could be. Most of the editing is all in the program so I don't have to wait for my slow computer to think about all the things it has to open. So we'll see. I'm excited.

I'll check back in later with pictures.

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