


I've been away for a while, but I have lots of random pictures to share. I hope everyone's weekend went well. Mine has been quite great. I had my long awaited eye exam, and it was my amazing sister's birthday on Saturday. I helped Robin move out of my sister's place this morning then relaxed the rest of the day away with the boys. Copper was extra cute.

Dime wasn't without his fun this weekend either. He got his very last Christmas treat out of his stocking. We saved the cutest for last...

I acquired some painting supplies from Dad this weekend and hopefully I'll have many many new paintings to share soon. For now I have been experimenting with painting on wood.

 I have a smaller one that I didn't photograph, but I'll try to do it sometime soon. I gave it to my sister for her birthday. 

Sorry my posts have been so straightforward, and not as insightful as I usually try to make them. My mind has been so... just elsewhere... these past few weeks. I really wanted this year to be different, but it's still as hard as usual. I'm trying harder and everything seems to be getting harder right along with me. The moment I feel hopeful reality tugs on my lobe and reminds me it bites... hard. The resolution I made to stay adamant is slowly turning into just forced actions again with no real belief behind them. Self doubt, second guessing, and mixed feelings are creeping up on me and getting harder and harder to fight back. 

This took a turn, but I really did have a good weekend, full of laughter, singing, dancing, and new beginnings. Have a great year Erica! And make the most of this awesome new experience Robin. Take advantage of all your new free time Cody. And Andie, you should make my old room your workout room. Either way have fun living alone again!


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