

Politics... Wow I've Come A Long Way....

So I know you guys have Facebooks, I doubt you would be browsing Blogger if you didn't know your way around basic social networking sites like Facebook or for you pseudo retro's Myspace. So I can probably count on you guys all being aware of what's going on with our government these days and all the insane budget cuts... because I can't seem to log on to my Facebook without seeing more and more articles being posted to people's pages about higher tuition or friends turning their profile pictures to them holding signs to show support for Planned Parenthood. My roommate works for Americorps and her job is even in jeopardy because of all the budget threats - which I learned on Facebook. Don't get the wrong idea, I'm very enthused I'm getting all these messages on my newsfeed. I don't watch the news, nor do many people in my... let's call it.. "demographic". But by no means am I not civil minded. I care deeply about what is going on right now in America, I believe we all should care very much. Because it affects all of us. But I know the media spins a lot of what is on the nightly news and I couldn't care less about their political agenda. But I am becoming increasingly passionate about the political agendas I'm finding on my Facebook. My friends (I use that term loosely, I have quite a lot of these so called "friends" on there that I know nothing about after superficial facial recognition) have amazingly insightful social and political commentary.

"The proposed national budget cuts, which are in turn causing state budget cuts, will disenfranchise just about every social service in this country. I don't want to focus only on higher education, because it is only a piece of the gargantuan ice burg, but I want to say this about it....College level education is morphing into an industry that only the wealthy will have the ability to attend. What will our society become if higher education is only available to the financially stable, a class of people that is continually ...shrinking? The less financially stable would be helpless. And the government couldn't help because of a "financial crises" they allowed, and that they are perpetuating. These cuts will only put us into deeper debt, and set the stage for even more drastic and horrific cuts in the future. When will it be too much for society? I think it is right now. This needs to be stopped. K-12 Education is dismal. Who knows public education will even be able to educate the youth up to the levels of higher education, or prepare them for work in corrupted economy run by big business, stockbrokers, and banks. The class rooms wi...ll be filled with kids, because of a repealed law that ensures classes to be at a minimum of 26. And with up to half of the staff eliminated from their school in some cases, its no mystery how big those class sizes will get. Once again, private education will be the only "logical" way to go, and the wealthy will be the only ones who can pay for it. Is this what we want America to be? Is it not enough this way already? Hmm... so, children of wealthy parents will be the only ones able to get the important jobs of our society. Every one else either just can't do it, or ends up in student debt they cannot find a job to pay beck. All the scientists, children ...of the wealthy. All the doctors, children of the wealthy. All the politicians, children of the wealthy. All the business majors, children of the wealthy. All of the environmental policy writers, children of the wealthy. I think you get my point.
Maybe a few of the disenfranchised people will win a scholarship. But who knows how much money will be left for that?
Some brave low income students will take on up to 100,000 dollars in debt. And then even more in grad school. They might just end up with a decent job. But how much less time will they focus on improving our country and world because the debt they owe for their education?
This is slowly becoming reality. Believe it. And STOP it."
- Mike Colasurdo

I've known Mike since early high school I guess, never really friends, never really not. He was always someone I had on my radar though, because growing up in a majorly conservative home, I was fascinated by the liberal charisma. And as I got older and became more and more interested in politics on my own terms rather than what my Dad was telling me. I started to see how brilliant he is. Not sure what he's up to now besides going to Western and posting perfect status updates on his page that get me thinking for hours. But I wish I could go to all of my friends pages and see their thoughts on what we as a country our going through right now. As of late.. I sort of can, in a odd round about way. Most of my friends are posting their frustrations about FAFSA right now. So they are giving political commentary without even knowing. That makes me smile. Not much else about the situation does.

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