

Today's Lesson

Was supposed to be about the art of Abstract. But even when forced my abstractions are quite... literal. Closest I get to logical I guess.

I got some applications today. And I have plans to go back to a  few places... business's are making you apply 100% in store now. You have to fill it out there. You can't leave with it. So... yeah... that's what's new with the job hunt. Exciting stuff guys. 

Anyways, it was my fifth consecutive day seeing Cody. Lol... might be a new record for us since I moved 40 minutes away from him. But I have the day to myself tomorrow. Which is good... I need to get cracking on something for Robin. 

I've had my coffee today and I've added new things to my todo list. Like finish filling out my Forest Ridge app and clean the bathroom. 

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